Pet Peeves List


Okay, so everyone has to have at least 1 pet peeve. Right? Well I’m going to tell you 3 of the worst pet peeves for me.


  1. Putting Stuff on other people’s desk

So some people, when they think you are absent, they just dump ALL of their stuff all over your desk. Then, when you come in, they are always saying( at least to me) that when I move their stuff, they say that I completely destroyed all their stuff from just from moving their stuff back on their desk.

  1.    Loud gum chewing

I LOVE to chew gum,most of the time, I think I’m chewing pretty quietly. You know when you can actually see the gum when there chewing it, yeah, you are chewing your gum way too loud. In a few of my classes, I have to sit next to people that chew loudly.(no offense)


  1. People doing stuff with their hands

 What I mean by this is you probably already know what is by now. Right? Sometimes during class, people are always practicing them but not as good as when they tape it. Some people are constantly doing it while we are working on classwork or on a quiz or test.

1 Comment on Pet Peeves List

  1. flava avaa
    November 30, 2016 at 7:51 pm (7 years ago)

    I hate when people chew gum so loudly too


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